The NAP Global Network worked with the National Planning Department and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in Colombia from 2017 to 2019 to support the implementation and monitoring of the country’s NAP processes.

We helped customize adaptation plans to ensure sustainability at a subnational and sectoral level, communicate NAP processes to the public, and implement monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems to track the progress of these plans.

We also piloted an Early Warning System: a planning and response tool for household water supplies and sewage systems.


  • Reliable Water Supply in an Unpredictable Climate: Designed an early warning system in collaboration with Olgoonik and Colombia's Water and Sanitation sectorto climate-proof small-scale municipal water supply.
  • Financing strategy: Developed a plan to cover the costs of adaptation actions.
  • Comprehensive Sectorial Climate Change Management Plans (PIGCCS in Spanish): Support for the ministries of water and health.
    • Health sector roundtables: Developed medium and long-term goals and identified indicators for an efficient Monitoring and Evaluation system.
    • Water sector: Created a database, identified costs of adaptation measures and developed a Monitoring and Evaluation system.
  • Industry and housing sectors: Sectoral adaptation plan and M&E system developed.
  • Case Study | Alignment to advance climate-resilient development: Reviewed Colombia’s national-level efforts to advance alignment of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process and strategy for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • National communications strategy: Developed a plan to engage the general public, government officials and stakeholders in the country’s NAP process and encourage evidence-based conversations.
  • Environmental journalists meet to build Colombia's NAP communications strategy: Colombia’s National Planning Department (DNP) and Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS) hosted a high-level breakfast meeting in Bogota with influential Colombian environmental journalists.
  • Technical study on adaptation in the housing, water and industry sectors: Developed a sectoral adaptation plan and a Monitoring and Evaluation system to improve efficiency of adaptation actions.
  • sNAPshot | Developing a national M&E system: Published an overview on the development of the National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for adaptation in Colombia, lessons learned and the next steps in the process.

  • NAP Assembly 2017Gathered support for the implementation of NAP processes at the national and regional levels.