The NAP Global Network worked closely with the Department of Sustainable Development in the Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender & Sustainable Development in Saint Lucia from 2017 to 2020 to ensure priority sectors are able to build their resilience to the impacts of climate change and that the NAP process is effectively communicated to donors, the private sector and general public. This work was undertaken in close collaboration with the Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership, administered by UNDP.

Our program supported the development of sectoral adaptation strategies and action plans (SASAPs), and associated and investment strategies, for sectors that are particularly vulnerable to climate change, including agriculture, fisheries and natural resources. We helped build a bankable pipeline of adaptation projects for these sectors, and complemented this with both a NAP financing strategy and private sector engagement strategy.

We also helped Saint Lucia’s government develop strategic communications to further engage stakeholders in adaptation actions, including through events, trainings, artwork and public service videos. We supported development of a national climate change research policy and strategy. And finally, we helped increase coordination among donors active in the region through a donor symposium.


  • NAP Communications training sessions: Government officers and journalists trained to effectively communicate about NAP and climate change.
  • Sector consultations: Worked with key stakeholders from the agriculture, water and fisheries sectors on their adaptation priorities.
  • Caribbean NAP Assembly: Caribbean countries shared plans to adapt to climate change.
  • Saint Lucia Climate Change Baseline Assessment Report: With the support of different partners, the Government of Saint Lucia collected and analyzed socioeconomic and environmental baseline data.
  • The Saint Lucia Climate Change Adaptation Policy: The Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology developed adaptation policies recognizing the roles of Government, the private sector and civil society.